All About Brows, and Waxing

Whether you want to add on a brow wax, schedule a bikini wax before an event, enjoy the enhanced look from a brow wax, tint, and lamination we have you covered.

  • Facial Waxing

    Brows, Lip, Chin, Sides, Nose, Ears

    Facial hair waxing lasts up to 2-3 weeks, you can expect thinner regrowth after each wax.

  • Body Waxing

    Top: Underarms, Full arms, Half arms

    Bottom: Bikini, Full legs, Half legs

    Mid-Turso: Chest, Back, Tummy Trail, Stomach

    Body waxing may last between 3-6 weeks depending on your amount of hair.

  • Brow Laminate & Brow Tint

    Brow Lamination: smooths and lifts your brows whether they have a mind of their own or thining brow lamination can make your brows appear thicker and more textured and have you feeling more confident.

    Brow Tint: color to help define the brow hair

    Our brows are the frame to our face. Would you ever put a picture on the wall without a frame? That is what brows do for the face…

    Brow wax, tint, and laminate is the brows bff treatment!